On average, the typical repair, from start to finish, will take the average “do-it-yourselfer”, about 1 to 2 hours. This of course will vary due to many circumstances; number of repairs being made, size of the repair, weather conditions (if working outside) as well as other factors. Larger projects will obviously require additional time. The amount of time is not as critical as is the amount of effort and care that you are willing to devote to the project. Some individuals start the project and continue to follow through until it is completed. Others spread the project out over a couple of days. Just make sure that you allow sufficient time to complete the project. Certain aspects of the repair process do have time constraints. These are most often pointed out in the instructions,so, make sure to read through the instructions before beginning the project. The repair materials require 48 hours to cure to their maximum strength capabilities but will be dry enough to put back into service as soon as the repair is complete. Care must be exercised during that initial time so as not to damage the repair before it is completely cured.
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