Leather Repair Kits Leather Restoration and Care Products by Leather Magic!

Send Us Your Sample

Please, Click Here to download our Custom Matched Color form. Fill it out with the required information and mail it (to the address listed on the form) along with your sample.  We will contact you with any questions or to verify receipt of your sample

We offer 3 different methods available to you for answers, help and advice:

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Call Us!

Sometimes it’s good to talk with a “Real Person”!  We are happy to take your call and answer any questions you might have.  Please be patient though, we get a lot of calls and may not be able to take yours right when you call.  But rest assured, if you leave us a message, we will return your call.

Chat Live With Us!

Simply click the Chat Button at the top of your screen and you will be in contact with a live technician who can answer any and all of your questions.

(available M -F 9am – 5pm EST)

Send us your questions.

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