Leather Repair Kits Leather Restoration and Care Products by Leather Magic!


How to Remove Body Oil Stains From Leather

The following depicts a successful project completed by one of our happy customers, Fred Martin. He experienced severe body oil stains on the headrest of his leather recliner.  He completely removed the oil stain and restored the leather recliner to like new condition. The project was completed in no time using our Leather Color Restoration Kit!

Headrest Oil Stain

Leather Headrest Oil Stain Before

Headrest Oil Stain

Leather Headrest Oil Stain Before

Headrest Oil Stain Repaired1

Leather Headrest Oil Stain Repaired

Headrest Oil Stain Repaired2

Leather Headrest Oil Stain Repaired

Almost all Body oil and other oils may be removed and the color restored back to its’ original condition. The process involves removing as much of the oil that has been absorbed into the leather. This step most likely will leave discoloration or slight damage to the existing finish, so, the leather finish must then be replaced. The entire process may be completed using our Leather Dye and Color Restoration Kit. If the area is exceptionally damaged, additional materials may be required.

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